Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Note to Readers

I hope this finds you all safe and sound. 
Those of you who do NOT live in the Mid-Western, Northeastern, Mid-Atlantic, or Southern regions of the United States, which are presently being pummeled by snow, ice and severe cold, are probably experiencing either torrential rains or devastating droughts.
If any of you know of a more pleasant weather condition somewhere in this vast country, please let me know.  Perhaps I could come visit you!
I wanted to clarify for you the three blog posts from February 4th, 2014.  These were the ones just prior to my trip to Florida for my final visit with my father, Bill Wilson.  (He has now gone to a more peaceful place, having passed away on Friday, February 14th, 2014 - Valentine's Day.)
Let me first thank all of you readers for sticking with my blog so far.  It means a great deal for me to be able to share the stories of my caregiving experiences with others who are interested in hearing about them, and I am sincerely grateful for your loyalty.  I hope that in some way, my tales are bringing a bit of joy to your hearts.
Speaking of joy... That is the word that best explains the blog posts from February 4th, 2014.
I have been submitting some short articles, so far about caregiving experiences within my own family, to a wonderful on-line publication called The Caregiver's Voice.  The focus of this website is to bring support, compassion, and humor to people who are caring for loved ones who have Dementia related diseases.  The entire essence of The Caregiver's Voice is one of JOY, and so I started sharing some very personal stories with the Editor, Brenda Avadian, that I hoped were both joyful and inspirational.
The three blogs represent this hope happily coming to life over the past several months.
If you are interested in reading any of the articles, just go to http://www.TheCaregiversVoice.com and click on the topics.  My son, Peter, and I were the focus of a Feature in December, 2013, and I couldn't be more proud of him.  The second two articles fall under the Inspirational topic heading, and are about my Father-in-Law, Ole Juul, currently in the grips of Dementia, and my late Grandmother, Rose Ancillotti, who lived with Parkinson's Disease for many years. 
That having been said, I promise to bring you more stories about my time with "V" (most of which have occurred while being snowbound!) following my father's funeral later this week.
Again, I thank you all for following my journeys, and wish you peace, love, and JOY... whatever the weather may be!!!

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