I've always heard it said that the one constant in life is change, and I highly suspect that I am not the only person on the planet who has found, sometimes quite painfully, that concept to be all too true.
Change is all around us. And ironically, it really is constant!
In my lifetime alone, which has only been half a century in length, I have witnessed more changes than I ever dreamed possible. Often they have been of a technological or mechanical nature, as modes of transportation, communication devices, and accessories to assist with and enhance every day living have transformed dramatically since 1963.
Other times, the changes have been on a national level, with profound ramifications felt around the globe. It is difficult to imagine that fifty years ago this month, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in cold blood, an event which, along with the harrowing images of its heartbreaking aftermath, was broadcast by television around the world, enabling all nations to share in the disbelief, horror, and grief.
Other times, the changes have been on a national level, with profound ramifications felt around the globe. It is difficult to imagine that fifty years ago this month, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in cold blood, an event which, along with the harrowing images of its heartbreaking aftermath, was broadcast by television around the world, enabling all nations to share in the disbelief, horror, and grief.
Most times, however, changes occur at a much more deeper, more personal level, often impacting a person in a life-altering way. These are the changes you don't hear about on the most updated, state-of-the-art, must-have at any cost (thanks to credit programs for people who don't have the actual money to make the purchase!) flat screen television sets that can "interact" with all of the other new and improved must-have devices.
Occasionally (have I mentioned that my microwave is one of my best friends ever?), the changes can be for the better!
But better or not, I absolutely refuse to acknowledge that a Blue Ray Disc is better than a DVD which was better than a VHS tape. Or that a CD is better than a Cassette Tape which was better than an eight track (I confess that I have to side with progress in that particular situation!). The reality may be one hundred percent true, but that doesn't mean that I have to acknowledge it! I have hundreds of VHS tapes, just as I have hundreds of record albums (my son finds them absolutely astonishing... and archaic!), and I will not, no matter how cumbersome they are to lug around every time I move someplace new (now there's a topic about change that would take me decades to write about!), trade them in for something that is allegedly better!
I can't even fathom all of the changes that "V" has enjoyed, or perhaps endured, over the span of ninety five years! That's a heck of a long time to be alive! And a heck of a lot of changes to have witnessed!
Yet the changes keep rolling along... Sometimes, they are widespread and dramatic, affecting millions of people around the globe. Other times, they are as simple as trying out a new snack...
That's exactly the position "V" and I were in recently, and from where we stood, it was an extremely dramatic, life-altering experience!
It all started on my way to my weekend shift with "V", when I stopped at the local mini-mart to pick up a quart of milk for our cereal. During the week, "V" eats an egg, over hard, prepared exactly the same way every morning by her weekday caregiver. Because that's how "V" likes it.
On the weekends, however, "V" and I enjoy a breakfast consisting of cereal with milk, hers plain and mine chock full of raisins, not surprisingly. Along with that, we have a slice of buttered toast, usually followed by a piece of fruit. And there is always the accompanying glass of Orange Juice and the much-needed cup of coffee! No changes there!
While at the mini-mart buying our quart of milk one recent Friday, I was struck by the sight of something I'd never seen before. Sure. The ever-enticing Entenmann's display of tasty treats was exactly where it always was, directly in front of the path to the check out counter! Usually, I'm able to successfully dodge the darned thing, not giving into my craving for a variety of cakes and cookies displayed in a suspiciously captivating fashion, but this week... Well... The little yellow sticker that said "NEW" jumped out at me and I just couldn't resist.
Thus, I headed straight to "V"s house with a brand new box of five Entenmann's Eclairs proudly in my possession!
It turns out that "V" also had a penchant for trying something new that week. When I walked into her kitchen, the main entry way that is used to access her home, I was greeted not only by the weekday caregiver, eager to begin her weekend, but also by a box of Little Debbie Nutty Bars, which was a complete departure for "V"s otherwise healthy kitchen counter.
"What happened at the grocery store?" I asked, amazed at the sugary display.
The caregiver, an extremely health-conscious eater, explained that "V" couldn't resist the treats as they passed by the display. Boy! Did I know that feeling!
"She's never had them before, even though we walk by them every week." the caregiver explained, "But this week, she felt like trying them."
I told her that I had just encountered an eerily similar experience at the mini-mart, and proudly showed her my box of five Entenmann's Eclairs.
"You two are going to have quite a sugar blast this weekend!" the caregiver exclaimed. I promised her, however, that we would not over-indulge our sweet-teeth!
Floating on my anticipated Éclair high, I brought the box into the living room to show "V", expecting that she, too, would share my enthusiasm.
"Look what I got us for a treat this weekend!" I burst out rather too enthusiastically.
I was shocked as "V"s smiling face turned into a sort of grimace when she saw the box. Slowly, cautiously, she queried, "What are those?" After I explained that they were something new, as described by the bright yellow sticker that I was eagerly pointing to, "V"s chilly response was, "Well, I've never seen them before."
Hmmmmm... The Little Debbie Nutty Bars were new, too. At least they were to "V"s kitchen! But they weren't a new product. They'd been out for years. In fact, this is the 50 year anniversary of the snack product, as proudly displayed on the all sides of every type of snack they produce. Apparently, Little Debbie is as old as me! It turns out that "V" had passed them on display many times over the years. She just never had the desire to try them before. But for some strange reason, during this particular week, the Nutty Bars called to her, just like the Eclairs spoke to me.
It dawned on me that new things, especially if purchased by someone else, had to be introduced in a much more delicate manner, and I decided to tuck my Entenmann's Eclairs away in the refrigerator until a later point in our weekend, out of sight, out of mind... at least out of "V"s mind, anyway. My mind was still telling me to try just a little taste of one of the delicious-looking delicacies! But I couldn't. And wouldn't. I had to wait for "V" to share one with me.
And so our weekend together began in its usual manner, with me preparing dinner while "V" watched the news, except for the "sports part," of course.
After eating our meal, "V" almost always likes to have some dessert while still seated at the dining room table. Before the frustration and fun, respectively, of "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune." Thus far in our relationship, this tended to consist of a small bowl of blueberries, or perhaps another fruit if those were not available.
But, as I'm certain you are already suspecting, this night turned out to be quite different! Sure enough, without warning, "V" expressed a desire to try the Little Debbie Nutty Bars instead of the usual healthy fare.
Wow! I was stunned! What had brought this on? It was a huge change in our routine, even though it may seem small to someone else.
"What made you buy these?" I asked "V" as I brought her a package of the delectable looking treat.
"I just figured I'd try something new," was her response.
My window of opportunity had just flung open widely. Something new. Here it was. The chance to boldly bring up my Entenmann's Eclairs again, along with the reminder that they were always there, just in case, if she wanted to try one. (Who am I kidding? I was the sugar-crazed lunatic who wanted to try one, and in the worst way!)
"V" seemed to ignore my statement, and proceeded straight to her Nutty Bars.
"They are very big," she stated. And she was quite right. There are two Nutty Bars in a single package, and individually, they seem to be so much larger than some Little Debbie's other treats.
"Maybe next time," she quietly stated, "We'll have just one nutty bar each."
I was stumped. Next time? Why not try my Entenmann's Eclairs next time, I wondered? But I held my tongue and ate my Nutty Bars. Crunchy and a tad bit dry, I thought to myself, but deliciously peanut-buttery at the same time.
The next afternoon at lunchtime, after finishing our otherwise healthy meal, we tried "V"s suggestion from the night before, and I split the package of Little Debbie Nutty Bars, leaving each of us with only one, yet still very large looking, snack bar.
I couldn't help myself. I just had to mention my delightful snack that, thus far, sat sadly in the fridge unopened. "V" didn't respond to the Entenmann's Éclair reference, and so I again (albeit begrudgingly) dropped the subject. "Maybe," I reasoned, "I could suggest it again later in the afternoon as a snack?" "V" always ate a snack in the late afternoon on Saturdays, so it was a sure thing that another opportunity would arise to try out my new find.
As expected, late afternoon came, and "V" asked for a bowl of coffee ice cream. Now here was the perfect opportunity, or so I thought, and I eagerly pounced on it. "You know..." I tentatively began, "The ice cream would go great with one of those Entenmann's Eclairs that I brought..." Hope hung heavy in the air.
"No," "V" answered all too quickly. "The ice cream is just fine."
My dream was dashed again! I couldn't understand it. What was wrong with trying my new snack? We had tried her new snack twice already, and, if my perceptions were accurate, "V" didn't even appear to enjoy them that much! The situation was a complete mystery to me!
I suppose I don't even need to tell you what we had after dinner that night, because I'm sure you already guessed it. But just because I feel the irresistible need to state it out loud, here goes... It was yet another Little Debbie Nutty Bar!!! There! That was healing!
I went to bed very full, but equally frustrated, that night. I couldn't stop thinking about the new snacks. Just because "V" had never seen the Entenmann's Éclairs before was no reason not to at least try one, I thought to myself. Was it that hard to try something different? Hadn't she gone through a phenomenal amount of new things in her lifetime? Didn't she have room for just one more itty bitty new, and dare I say, delicious, thing?
Or, I wondered, was it because I had discovered the new treat and not her? Since "V" had not discovered the new snack "on her own," which is the way she preferred to do things, maybe it was difficult for her to try it at all?
Either way, I was putting far too much thought into the subject of snack cakes, and finally realized I should just go to sleep and stop worrying about it. There were far greater things in the world to worry about, and if all I could muster was a nagging concern about which tasty treat to eat, then I had to concede that things were pretty good in my reality. It could always be a lot worse, and I knew that first-hand, because there were many times when it really had been a lot worse... Too many times, it sometimes seems. There's another blog in and of itself, but I'm not sure I'm entirely ready to write that one just yet...
Sunday was a brand new day, full of hope and promise. The slate was completely clean, ready to be carved out one minute at a time. You just never know what can happen at any given time... And that morning at breakfast, this proved amazingly true. Just after finishing our cereal, mine chock full of raisins of course, "V" made a surprising request.
"Let's skip the toast this morning," she told me, and I have to admit that I was a bit stunned by that alone!. Skip the toast? We always had a slice of buttered toast after our cereal, except during the weekdays, when the slice of buttered toast came after the egg over-hard.
Then, even more shockingly, "V" announced with a clearly discernible certainty in her voice, "We'll try your snack instead."
Yay!!! A much-needed reprieve from the deliciously peanut-buttery, although crunchy and a tad bit dry, Little Debbie Nutty Bars! The mini Entenmann's Eclairs could finally be freed from their refrigerated prison where they were held hostage all weekend long! It was a glorious day indeed!!!
I didn't want to appear to eager, but boy did I move like lightning into the kitchen to rescue those poor Entenmann's Eclairs from their refrigerated prison. Carefully, lovingly, I laid them out perfectly on a plate. They looked so beautiful. I couldn't tell if the drop of water I wiped off my face was a bit of over-eager drool or perhaps a tear of joy.
Ever-so-proudly, I presented my prize to "V", and sat anxiously awaiting her response.
I have to admit, these were some terribly tense moments for me. Getting "V" to try something new that she had not discovered on her own had thus far proven to be a gigantic challenge, far bigger than I ever anticipated.
It seemed like forever, but finally "V" uttered the words I longed to hear. "Very good," she said, a satisfied smile clearly visible on her face. At last!!! Victory!!! And coming from "V", who was understandably quite particular about what she did and did not like after ninety five years on the planet, this felt like an especially huge success on my part. Not just because I had introduced her to a new snack, but because she actually agreed to try something she had not discovered herself
I left my shift with "V" feeling on top of the world, and within ten minutes, it seemed like I literally was, as I looked out over the glorious Catskill Mountains from a vista point in the road. I found myself already looking forward to our next weekend together. Because you just never know what might appear in "V"s kitchen...
I'll let the following photograph, which I took upon my arrival at "V"s home the next week, speak for itself:
And, truth be told, be it Little Debbie or Entenmann's or some other new product or brand that we have yet to encounter, they are all equally enjoyable to me... As is all of my time spent in "V"s company!
Yet the changes keep rolling along... Sometimes, they are widespread and dramatic, affecting millions of people around the globe. Other times, they are as simple as trying out a new snack...
That's exactly the position "V" and I were in recently, and from where we stood, it was an extremely dramatic, life-altering experience!
It all started on my way to my weekend shift with "V", when I stopped at the local mini-mart to pick up a quart of milk for our cereal. During the week, "V" eats an egg, over hard, prepared exactly the same way every morning by her weekday caregiver. Because that's how "V" likes it.
On the weekends, however, "V" and I enjoy a breakfast consisting of cereal with milk, hers plain and mine chock full of raisins, not surprisingly. Along with that, we have a slice of buttered toast, usually followed by a piece of fruit. And there is always the accompanying glass of Orange Juice and the much-needed cup of coffee! No changes there!
While at the mini-mart buying our quart of milk one recent Friday, I was struck by the sight of something I'd never seen before. Sure. The ever-enticing Entenmann's display of tasty treats was exactly where it always was, directly in front of the path to the check out counter! Usually, I'm able to successfully dodge the darned thing, not giving into my craving for a variety of cakes and cookies displayed in a suspiciously captivating fashion, but this week... Well... The little yellow sticker that said "NEW" jumped out at me and I just couldn't resist.
Thus, I headed straight to "V"s house with a brand new box of five Entenmann's Eclairs proudly in my possession!
It turns out that "V" also had a penchant for trying something new that week. When I walked into her kitchen, the main entry way that is used to access her home, I was greeted not only by the weekday caregiver, eager to begin her weekend, but also by a box of Little Debbie Nutty Bars, which was a complete departure for "V"s otherwise healthy kitchen counter.
"What happened at the grocery store?" I asked, amazed at the sugary display.
The caregiver, an extremely health-conscious eater, explained that "V" couldn't resist the treats as they passed by the display. Boy! Did I know that feeling!
"She's never had them before, even though we walk by them every week." the caregiver explained, "But this week, she felt like trying them."
I told her that I had just encountered an eerily similar experience at the mini-mart, and proudly showed her my box of five Entenmann's Eclairs.
"You two are going to have quite a sugar blast this weekend!" the caregiver exclaimed. I promised her, however, that we would not over-indulge our sweet-teeth!
Floating on my anticipated Éclair high, I brought the box into the living room to show "V", expecting that she, too, would share my enthusiasm.
"Look what I got us for a treat this weekend!" I burst out rather too enthusiastically.
I was shocked as "V"s smiling face turned into a sort of grimace when she saw the box. Slowly, cautiously, she queried, "What are those?" After I explained that they were something new, as described by the bright yellow sticker that I was eagerly pointing to, "V"s chilly response was, "Well, I've never seen them before."
Hmmmmm... The Little Debbie Nutty Bars were new, too. At least they were to "V"s kitchen! But they weren't a new product. They'd been out for years. In fact, this is the 50 year anniversary of the snack product, as proudly displayed on the all sides of every type of snack they produce. Apparently, Little Debbie is as old as me! It turns out that "V" had passed them on display many times over the years. She just never had the desire to try them before. But for some strange reason, during this particular week, the Nutty Bars called to her, just like the Eclairs spoke to me.
It dawned on me that new things, especially if purchased by someone else, had to be introduced in a much more delicate manner, and I decided to tuck my Entenmann's Eclairs away in the refrigerator until a later point in our weekend, out of sight, out of mind... at least out of "V"s mind, anyway. My mind was still telling me to try just a little taste of one of the delicious-looking delicacies! But I couldn't. And wouldn't. I had to wait for "V" to share one with me.
And so our weekend together began in its usual manner, with me preparing dinner while "V" watched the news, except for the "sports part," of course.
After eating our meal, "V" almost always likes to have some dessert while still seated at the dining room table. Before the frustration and fun, respectively, of "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune." Thus far in our relationship, this tended to consist of a small bowl of blueberries, or perhaps another fruit if those were not available.
But, as I'm certain you are already suspecting, this night turned out to be quite different! Sure enough, without warning, "V" expressed a desire to try the Little Debbie Nutty Bars instead of the usual healthy fare.
Wow! I was stunned! What had brought this on? It was a huge change in our routine, even though it may seem small to someone else.
"What made you buy these?" I asked "V" as I brought her a package of the delectable looking treat.
"I just figured I'd try something new," was her response.
My window of opportunity had just flung open widely. Something new. Here it was. The chance to boldly bring up my Entenmann's Eclairs again, along with the reminder that they were always there, just in case, if she wanted to try one. (Who am I kidding? I was the sugar-crazed lunatic who wanted to try one, and in the worst way!)
"V" seemed to ignore my statement, and proceeded straight to her Nutty Bars.
"They are very big," she stated. And she was quite right. There are two Nutty Bars in a single package, and individually, they seem to be so much larger than some Little Debbie's other treats.
"Maybe next time," she quietly stated, "We'll have just one nutty bar each."
I was stumped. Next time? Why not try my Entenmann's Eclairs next time, I wondered? But I held my tongue and ate my Nutty Bars. Crunchy and a tad bit dry, I thought to myself, but deliciously peanut-buttery at the same time.
The next afternoon at lunchtime, after finishing our otherwise healthy meal, we tried "V"s suggestion from the night before, and I split the package of Little Debbie Nutty Bars, leaving each of us with only one, yet still very large looking, snack bar.
I couldn't help myself. I just had to mention my delightful snack that, thus far, sat sadly in the fridge unopened. "V" didn't respond to the Entenmann's Éclair reference, and so I again (albeit begrudgingly) dropped the subject. "Maybe," I reasoned, "I could suggest it again later in the afternoon as a snack?" "V" always ate a snack in the late afternoon on Saturdays, so it was a sure thing that another opportunity would arise to try out my new find.
As expected, late afternoon came, and "V" asked for a bowl of coffee ice cream. Now here was the perfect opportunity, or so I thought, and I eagerly pounced on it. "You know..." I tentatively began, "The ice cream would go great with one of those Entenmann's Eclairs that I brought..." Hope hung heavy in the air.
"No," "V" answered all too quickly. "The ice cream is just fine."
My dream was dashed again! I couldn't understand it. What was wrong with trying my new snack? We had tried her new snack twice already, and, if my perceptions were accurate, "V" didn't even appear to enjoy them that much! The situation was a complete mystery to me!
I suppose I don't even need to tell you what we had after dinner that night, because I'm sure you already guessed it. But just because I feel the irresistible need to state it out loud, here goes... It was yet another Little Debbie Nutty Bar!!! There! That was healing!
I went to bed very full, but equally frustrated, that night. I couldn't stop thinking about the new snacks. Just because "V" had never seen the Entenmann's Éclairs before was no reason not to at least try one, I thought to myself. Was it that hard to try something different? Hadn't she gone through a phenomenal amount of new things in her lifetime? Didn't she have room for just one more itty bitty new, and dare I say, delicious, thing?
Or, I wondered, was it because I had discovered the new treat and not her? Since "V" had not discovered the new snack "on her own," which is the way she preferred to do things, maybe it was difficult for her to try it at all?
Either way, I was putting far too much thought into the subject of snack cakes, and finally realized I should just go to sleep and stop worrying about it. There were far greater things in the world to worry about, and if all I could muster was a nagging concern about which tasty treat to eat, then I had to concede that things were pretty good in my reality. It could always be a lot worse, and I knew that first-hand, because there were many times when it really had been a lot worse... Too many times, it sometimes seems. There's another blog in and of itself, but I'm not sure I'm entirely ready to write that one just yet...
Sunday was a brand new day, full of hope and promise. The slate was completely clean, ready to be carved out one minute at a time. You just never know what can happen at any given time... And that morning at breakfast, this proved amazingly true. Just after finishing our cereal, mine chock full of raisins of course, "V" made a surprising request.
"Let's skip the toast this morning," she told me, and I have to admit that I was a bit stunned by that alone!. Skip the toast? We always had a slice of buttered toast after our cereal, except during the weekdays, when the slice of buttered toast came after the egg over-hard.
Then, even more shockingly, "V" announced with a clearly discernible certainty in her voice, "We'll try your snack instead."
Yay!!! A much-needed reprieve from the deliciously peanut-buttery, although crunchy and a tad bit dry, Little Debbie Nutty Bars! The mini Entenmann's Eclairs could finally be freed from their refrigerated prison where they were held hostage all weekend long! It was a glorious day indeed!!!
I didn't want to appear to eager, but boy did I move like lightning into the kitchen to rescue those poor Entenmann's Eclairs from their refrigerated prison. Carefully, lovingly, I laid them out perfectly on a plate. They looked so beautiful. I couldn't tell if the drop of water I wiped off my face was a bit of over-eager drool or perhaps a tear of joy.
Ever-so-proudly, I presented my prize to "V", and sat anxiously awaiting her response.
I have to admit, these were some terribly tense moments for me. Getting "V" to try something new that she had not discovered on her own had thus far proven to be a gigantic challenge, far bigger than I ever anticipated.
It seemed like forever, but finally "V" uttered the words I longed to hear. "Very good," she said, a satisfied smile clearly visible on her face. At last!!! Victory!!! And coming from "V", who was understandably quite particular about what she did and did not like after ninety five years on the planet, this felt like an especially huge success on my part. Not just because I had introduced her to a new snack, but because she actually agreed to try something she had not discovered herself
I left my shift with "V" feeling on top of the world, and within ten minutes, it seemed like I literally was, as I looked out over the glorious Catskill Mountains from a vista point in the road. I found myself already looking forward to our next weekend together. Because you just never know what might appear in "V"s kitchen...
I'll let the following photograph, which I took upon my arrival at "V"s home the next week, speak for itself:
And, truth be told, be it Little Debbie or Entenmann's or some other new product or brand that we have yet to encounter, they are all equally enjoyable to me... As is all of my time spent in "V"s company!
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